Last week was a blurrrr.... Kellie had several auditions, acting class on Thursday evenings, workouts and school. (not necessarily in that order) She also got the opportunity for a little pampering.... Her and DJ got invited to fly to Phoenix and be interviewed on the Better Arizona morning show to talk about her successes since her acting classes at ACT and her participation in The' Phoenix. So the four of us flew to Phoenix for the day on Wednesday. Little did I know... but Ann and I ended up being on the show with kids as well. It was fun and not as hard as I worried it would be. They are going to give us a clip of the tape when it's done. It is supose to air in the next week or so. We haven't heard exactly when yet. Then they all took us to lunch and waited to fly back to LA.....
I'll be back in the spring of 2012
13 years ago
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