I forgot... on Monday, we got up at 5am... yes, that was a killer for both of us! Kellie was going to be a contestant on BrainSurge for Nickelodeon. We got there at 7am. The kids went straight into school (they had to get 3 hrs in). I met lots of nice moms and dad. Then the kids came back into the Green room with us. We went over a lot of legal paperwork and signed everything. Then the kids got to see how the show worked. They then got their cool BrainSurge T-shirts. They filmed 2 shows that morning. Kellie was in the 2nd group. After more waiting... eating, and talking. It was time for Kellie to go on!!! They have a really cool COLORFUL set! Unfortunately, Kellie got eliminated after the first round, but she still had a great time! After you get eliminated, you have to go down the Brain Drain... so she rode down the brain drain and got all wet and foamy! She said that was the funnest part! We don't know when it will air, but probably in May or June this summer! All contestants win a prize too! After leaving the set, Kellie and I were exhausted, we went and got some food then went home. The waiting around and waiting around is exhausting! I would rather be on the treadmill or something!
I'll be back in the spring of 2012
13 years ago
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