Sunday, June 7, 2009


May was a busy month! I had a great birthday! Our family went out to dinner at TGIFridays, as usual! I got a Miche purse (interchangeable outsides), butterfly light (for garden), and several gift cards to great stores. Some I have already used! Thanks again for the nice gifts!
Greg and I went to Mardi Gras the following night. It was a lot of fun, as usual. I WON 2 nice bar chairs and a basket with Margarita glasses, some cups, wine charms, beer charms, etc. The chairs go beautifully in our kitchen.
The next day was Mothers Day! Greg cooked dinner for us. Jessica made me some nice flowers that smelled good and some certificates. Kellie got me a gift card at Maurices. Greg and I mostly finished up getting our garden planted and my pots done.
The girls last day of school was Friday, June 5th. So they are happy to be out for the summer. Kellie has a summer job where she will be kid sitting for a family with 2 girls on Wednesdays. She is excited and looks forward to having some spending money! The girls had dance tryouts for next years competition teams this last weekend. We find out which teams they are on next week.
My friend and I are planning to go on a hike each week on Mondays for the summer. We plan to drag our kids some of the time. We have such a beautiful valley where we live! So many close trails to hike on.