As the last day of September approaches, I find myself saying... "where did the month go? What did I do all month?"
The girls will have completed a full month of school! They are both doing very well! Kellie had parent/teacher conf. already last week. I got nothing but good to EXCELLENT reports on her. She is even doing better with missing assignments. But I am the most proud of how she gets up everyday at 6:30AM to get ready for school. She eats breakfast, gets ready and is out the door for school by 7:05am! Jessica gets all her work turned in on time and is doing very well too! I just wish I could talk her into making her own lunch every day. :)
I had my surgery the 28th of Aug. So on Friday it will be 5 weeks since surgery. I'm healing well and started doing some longer walks. I can't wait to get back to the gym and resume my normal life. I did have a couple set backs that weren't planned. I got a bacterial infection in my bowels. This made me very sick! Could drink only liquid foods/drinks, lots of back pain and abdominal pain! I got on antiobiotics for 2 weeks and was feeling great! Then got the infection back after a week. So started 2nd series of 2 weeks yesterday. I'm sure I will start feeling better in a couple of days. Otherwise, I'm doing well and hope this gets the infection this time!!!
I took Kellie to a couple of photo shoots this last month. One was with some sports cars and one out by the Great Salt Lake. I will post a few of the pictures on here seperately. Most of the shoots are for the photographers to get practice and the models to get practice. This has been a great experience for Kellie!! She is getting better and better at posing. She is learning what works and what doesn't. The photographers are all very nice and helpful. So is a great environment for her. Plus, we are getting lots of great pictures for her portfolio for acting/modeling.
The girls are out of school for Thurs, Fri and Monday. Some education thing in Utah. We will be home. Kellie may have some friends over to watch her on Brainsurge this weekend. (We will TiVo) We will be watching tomorrow!! This will be great fun! It will be a kick to see her on TV!
Kellie has had a couple of auditions here in Utah. She did get a callback from one of them. I'm not sure if we would have heard something by now or not. You just never know.
Greg is in NC on business this week. He went early to attend his 30 yr HS reunion.
Wow... has time flown! He will return on Thursday of this week, only to pack up and leave for hunting on Friday. October is hunting season and I am left for the deer and elk. :) It is good! Greg loves it and looks forward to it each year.
Well that's all for now... hope to write more soon....
I'll be back in the spring of 2012
13 years ago
so glad to see you nice long post! it made my day. that pic of kellie and jess is BEAUTIFUL. i sure hope makenzie grows to be so beautiful. im sorry to hear you had a set back with your health. ahh that sucks. if you need anything let me know. I can bring dinner over or something. i cant believe Greg went to his 30 yr class reunion. ill have to give him a hard time about that when i go back to work in a week. my month of being a single parent just ended- or so i thought. ryan decided to tell me the other day he will be gone every weekend in oct. hunting with his bro in law. AHHH! i hope you find some fun things to do while he is gone.. i can think of one thing- SHOPPING :) i love your blog back ground as well. your doing awesome. im soon going to need you to teach me a thing or two :)
Thanks! Appreciate your comments! Your about the only one who comments!
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