We had a great Thanksgiving. Mom, Grandma, Crystal, Dan and kids came to UTAH for the their first Thanksgiving. We were worried they might not be able to come because of the snow, but they made it! We had an excellent Turkey dinner, then the girls went midnight shopping at the mall. It was fun! Unfortunately they left a day early, but it was a good thing, because we got about 10 inches of snow on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
Christmas was the usual... our family celebrating together. We went to Mass on Christmas eve and opened some presents. We actually got to sleep til 9:30am before Jessica woke us up to see what Santa brought. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast! Greg got a tool set he wanted and a watch. I got a new camera AND an Iphone (whew, must have been very good) tee hee Jessica got a docking station for her Ipod and Wii games, Kellie got a Kindle Reader. We had a great Christmas.
The next several days the girls went through all of the STUFF in their bedrooms and decluttered. We had lots of trash and give aways! But we got the jobs done with all four of us helping. Whew...so nice to go in their clean rooms now. Kellie also got a new bedroom set for her room.
We went to the movie Tron on New Years as a family. The movie ended at 12:00 so Kellie hollared "Happy New Year" to the few folks in the theater. Ha Ha
We are now getting back to normal busy schedules...
My New Years Resolution is to try to post more often on my blog... :)
I'll be back in the spring of 2012
13 years ago