January has been a busy month...after enjoying time off school and work... everyone went back on Jan 5th. The quarter ends for school last week, so the kids are off Monday and Tuesday, again already!
Kellie continues to play bball 6 days a week, 2 games a week. Her knees have been hurting her, due to her flat feet. So she is getting braces to help support them and doing to physical therapy to strenghten the upper leg. Yes, sometimes we go together!
My foot is doing better. I am down to 1 x per week of physical therapy. I have been to the gym and can do the stationary bike and still lift weights. It has felt good to get back at it. I have a lot of scar tissue build up in my foot near the scar and that is causing the pain. Apparently, had "thick" tissue the Dr. said when she went in during the surgery. Even though no previous injuries... who knows... but she said it makes sense that it is giving me trouble now. I actually can go most of the day with just walking and normal activity and it doesn't hurt me. So I know it's getting better. Yippee...
Jessica had a party with her girlfriends on Friday night. She had a great time. We ordered pizza, they played a few games and made pretty flower clips for their hair. It was a "New Year Party", lol.
Greg is looking forward to his trip to Yellowstone again this year with his Dad, Gerard and Omar. He also got a couple new lenses for his camera, so is anxious to try them out. I will post more of the pictures on here... they are big files, so have to do a few at a time...
I'll be back in the spring of 2012
13 years ago